The basics needs of human existences are food, clothing's & shelter. Form times immemorial man has been making efforts in improving their standards of living. The point of his effort has been to provide an efficient shelter. The possession of shelter beside being a basic, used, gives a feeling of security responsibility and shown the social status of man.
Every human being has an inherent liking for a peaceful environment needed for his pleasant living, this object is achieved by having a place of living situated at the safe and convenient location, such a place for comfortable and pleasant living requires and considered and kept it in view.
- A Peaceful environment.
- Safety from all natural sources & climate conditions
- General facilities for community of his residential area.
Looking for a Property To Rent
With thousand of people looking to Rent apartment in every year, landlords tend to become a little selective in giving away possession of their flats. In addition the mounting traffic and hectic works-life makes home or commercial property hunting a tedious task. We maintain a long list of properties with complete information on type of tenants that property owners are willing to keep. In addition , we also have pictures of the flats or commercial space that are available on rent.. Based on the prospective tenant's requirement,we email the pictures of appropriate properties which they can conveniently shortlist, thereby speeding up their decision process. We thus try top marry the needs of the tenants and property owners instantly and can speed up the process of hunting and finalizing the renting of a property.
Selling a Property
If u have a property to sale, we help u dispose off your property conveniently and at competitive prices, as we maintain a long list of potential buyers all over the world , who are actively looking to purchase properties in Siliguri..
1.Saving of Time and Money while hunting a Property:
Unlike other brokerage firms and broker, we do not try to show an individual far flung place (that would not meet his/her requirement) just to give an impression that we have a number of properties to offer. Rather, we first try to understand the requirement of an individual and based on that, we offer option that would best meet his/her needs. In addition, our approach of sending pictures of the prospective properties/commercial spaces available on rent or sale before site visit, would give one a good insight of what to expect. This not only help the individual short list a potential set of properties that are of interest to his/her, but also helps the individual speedup their decision process, thereby reducing time and effort in finalizing a deal.
2. Saving on Advertisement Cost:
Every week, we spend a lot of money advertising properties in the print and electronic media. The advertisement help us generate a number of enquirers, which are then selectively directed to appropriate property owners, keeping in mind the tenant's profile and there spending capacity. We are thus able to filter out a lot of unwanted calls and enquirers from prospective customers, which not only gives the property owners a high conversion rate, but also offer them a chance to save on their advertisement costs.